Dope art! Gogeta's always a tight design. Got tha Gogeta Janemba theme in my head seein this, lol
Dope art! Gogeta's always a tight design. Got tha Gogeta Janemba theme in my head seein this, lol
This style is solid, very dope seein ur take on characters. Hamburglar finna be pissed off once he gets home
I dunno why I always like tha half Spidey-mask/half Peter face drawings, but they're always dope! Tight art, man
Thanks, I've always liked them too.
Lol, that's a happyass mug. Tha shadin on this is gr8!
Shiieeet, I aint messin w/ her. Anyway, dope art! Love how simple it is
Ayyy my boi Marco! Very expressive art, definitely got that classic Metal Slug vibe
Ay messy results usually be fire af, & this is still hella nice to see!
Very dope artwork! Always coo seein chars in ur style
This foo clocked Super Sonic directly in tha chin, made em rock that head back, n stole his Emeralds. But yea, very coo Knuckles art!
It's funny how I thought this had to Castlevania & imagined tha iconic walk b4 I even clicked it, nice artwork!
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Joined on 7/30/19