Gr8 job w/ the art. Luv tha gradient on her skirt
Gr8 job w/ the art. Luv tha gradient on her skirt
Thank you!
This is cool! This boy Crash looks like he up to somethin
He's schemein'.
I was bouta say I had instant Sonic Jam vibes on this! Clean Sonic art
Thanks man, much appreciated!
It's cool seein how u progressed over time!
yeah i agree, i hope its an improvement!
Gr8 fanart of him. I like Ryu's SF3 look tha most. Lil rugged, yet hella reserved!
Yeah, I think SF3's got my favorite artstyle in the series.
Nice job w/ tha pose! Makes me legit wanna play X1 again, damn, lol
Thanks dude!
Kirby always cool, and nice touch w/ tha speed lines! That boi warpin
Thanks dude, much appreciated!
U dropped a hitter w/ ur 1st submission here! Nice job! Best of luck w/ ur comic book, this looks dope
I'm just now seeing this. Thank you so much. I will get started on making a video game soon this year, but right now i'm doing book 2 for [Sight Beyond Yudorchi.] The comic book/ Manga will have around 70 pages and i update it every 10 pages. It should be done in 2 more months.
If you have the time, could you share it around? I will try to have a animation for my other book, [What change may Bring].
And again, thank you and have a nice day.
Damn, stylistic af. Dope, man!
Thanks man!
Mega Man's daddy...linework is real good! I've seen a lil bit of the '03 show, but I have seen that 2007 film in theaters...that movie was kinda weak, aint gonna lie.
Thanks! I think I saw that movie too, though I don't really remember it.
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Too many.
Joined on 7/30/19